Transformative Adaptation Approaches and Climate Change Resilience, Preparedness and Sustainability

نوع المستند : المقالة الأصلية


قسم اقتصاد, كلية اقتصاد و علوم سياسية, جامعة المستقبل


This article provides a framework for building climate change resilience and climate change preparedness, to explain transformative adaptation approaches as a response to climate change. Building capacity in various dimensions, including structural, communal, individual, and urban planning, is directly related to transformative adaptation and the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. How can governments and communities develop transformational adaptation policies that foster collective and collaborative disaster risk management reform, and build resilient communities in the face of climate change? This investigative research, carried out in an attributive and causal way, discusses scenarios of climate change preparedness and resilience. The article is significant because it combines insights from environmental sciences, social sciences, and behavioural sciences into how to execute adaptation programmes and the effects of climate change. Following discussion of a set of conditions for transformative adaptation, the topics of inclusive governance, capacity-building strategies, incorporating climate change activities into sector and urban planning, and anthropogenic variables that affect individual willingness to .change social behaviour are explored.

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